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In what year was Praxis founded?

Praxis was incorporated in 2015 and commenced operations in 2016

Where is Praxis stock listed and what is the ticker symbol?

Praxis is traded on the Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker symbol “PRAX”

When was Praxis’ initial public offering (IPO)?

Praxis’ IPO occurred on October 16, 2020 

Where is Praxis located?

Praxis is headquartered at 99 High Street, 30th Floor, Boston, MA 02110

When is Praxis’ fiscal year-end?

Praxis’ fiscal year ends on December 31st

How can I purchase Praxis stock?

Please contact a licensed stock broker or use an online trading account to make a stock purchase

Who is Praxis’ transfer agent?

ComputerShare Trust Company, N.A.
462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600
Louisville, KY 40202

For help with change of address, transfer of shares, loss of share certificates, consolidation of multiple mailings to one shareholder & estate settlements please call 1-800-736-3001, option 1 (U.S.) or 1-781-575-3100, option 1 (non-U.S.) or email web.queries@computershare.com

Who are Praxis’ independent auditors?

Ernst & Young LLP
200 Clarendon St
Boston, MA 02116
(617) 266-2000

Who is Praxis’ legal counsel?

Latham & Watkins LLP, 200 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116

How can I obtain a copy of the Praxis Annual Report or other investor materials?


  • Praxis’ quarterly and annual reports and other SEC filings can be found in the IR section of the corporate website under ‘SEC Filings’
  • Praxis’ press release archives can be found in the IR section of the corporate website under ‘News Releases’
  • Praxis’ corporate and other presentations can be found in the IR section of the corporate website under ‘Events & Presentations’


Whom should I contact if I want to learn more about Praxis?

You can submit queries to Praxis’ investor relations department by contacting investors@praxismedicines.com

How can I sign up to receive news release & other company information?

Please click on ‘Email Alerts’ under Investor Resources in the IR section of the corporate website